is how the presidential couple presented themselves at the coronation. The stylist has no doubts

The eyes of the whole world are on London and the coronation of King Charles III. Many heads of state descended on the British capital on May 6, and the Polish presidential couple was also in attendance. We asked Ewa Rubasinska-Ianiro, celebrity stylist, how she assesses the styling of President Andrzej Duda and his wife Agata. How did our presidential couple present themselves at the coronation of the British monarch?

Andrzej and Agata Duda showed up in very classic colors. The president wore a black suit and light-colored shirt and an ash tie. The first lady opted for bright colors.


Ewa Rubasinska-Ianiro praises the first lady’s styling

The President’s outfit looks beautiful. Not only is it in the most fashionable color of the season. The cut, which here must be very traditional, is fantastically varied. A classic by the designer, it is nicely adapted to a new and interesting form. A bit like origami, and at the same time not in a revolutionary form,” praises the outfit of the wife of the Polish president, Ewa Rubasinska-Ianiro.

As the expert adds, the proportions of this cut are very well preserved in Agata Kornhauser-Duda. – Compliments to the designer. Fitted to the situation, tailored to the figure,” the stylist adds.

On her head, the first lady has a so-called fascinator. What is it? – These are headgear in which you can show as much imagination as possible. For such a ceremony they are obligatory in the dresscode. It should not be a hat and is not. It is a head ornament worn to keep the head from being bare. Here you can afford to be very fancy, but in this case, it is also perfectly matched to the whole figure and the rest of the styling. The proportions are beautifully maintained and there is a lot of freedom in self-expression,” notes Ewa Rubasinska-Ianiro.

As the stylist adds, with the first lady, the shoes and handbag are also well chosen. As our interviewee notes, on such occasions the smaller the handbag, the better. This is because it should not give the impression of going shopping or running some errands. The fact that it is very small is an expression of elegance.

As for President Andrzej Duda, on the other hand, the stylist has no major objections, although she sees minor flaws.

With the class that the first lady displayed, perhaps it would have been worthwhile to go a bit more with the shirt and tie, to be more elegant. Somehow the shirt doesn’t quite fit me with this suit, but that’s a minor detail. This collar is very massive compared to the rest. But it’s a detail,” explains Ewa Rubasinska-Ianiro.

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