The “Heart has no wrinkles” Foundation is a continuation of the project The Inner Power.
The goal of the Foundation is educational and cultural activity, especially in the field of supporting, promoting and assisting in the personal and professional development of women, with particular emphasis on women over 50 years of age.
The project aims to combat stereotypical perception of mature women, educate and prevent discrimination on the basis of age and gender. We want to reach as many people as possible and prove on the example of “ordinary” women that each of them is unique and has its own inner power.
The Foundation achieves its goals by:
- promoting and equalizing opportunities for women, with particular emphasis on mature women, at home and abroad;
- organizing and participating in events promoting women;
- education and intergenerational integration of women;
- organizing workshops and carrying out activities for women, including preventing exclusion and discrimination on the basis of their sex or age;
- organizing concerts, performances, exhibitions, fashion shows, vernissages promoting women and for women;
- conducting publishing activity in the scope of realization of statutory goals;
- funding scholarships, especially for women in a difficult life situation;
- cooperation with local and governmental authorities and non-governmental organizations in the above-mentioned scope.