Polish Fashion Academy has awarded the best…

Fashion created by Polish designers has world-class style and class – this was evidenced by the applause at the 19th edition of the Polish Fashion Gala, held on November 5 at Concordia Design in Poznań. Once again, the Chapter of the Polish Fashion Academy awarded prestigious statuettes and certificates.

What did we see on the catwalk? – A variety of ideas and inspirations dressed in colorful and sometimes black and white forms and shapes. We experienced that fashion is and should be an applied art. It serves the purpose of expressing what is individual but giving a chance to create what could be a mass trend. Each of the designers focused on quality and originality, which were awarded by the Polish Academy of Fashion.

Dorota Goldpoint, responsible for creating the image of the First Lady of the Republic of Poland, and Dr. Pawel Wegrzyn, dubbed the successor to Jerzy Antkowiak, were congratulated for becoming the winners of the Golden Super Pecker Statuettes. Separately, the Chapter of the Hipolit Cegielski Society presented them with “Labor Omnia Vincit” Medals for creating timeless fashion values. Malgorzata Szczęsna and Ewa Gawkowska – creators of the La Metamorphose brand, in the year of the company’s 10th anniversary, were awarded the Golden Loop Statuette.

Our attention was drawn to the collections competing in the 45th edition of the Silver Loop Competition: “Immune” by Wiktoria Krupińska, “Latin Dance” by Justyna Sidor, “Once upon a time in the city” by Małgorzata Dzierżęga and “It will be a beautiful end of the world” by Magdalena Buczek. The title end turned out to be the beginning of beautiful emotions, when each of them received an award. In turn, the presentation “Butterfly Effect” by Marta Soloducha and “Radioactive” by Alicja Prus were awarded Silver Loop Statuettes.

“Pants you’ll like” turned out to be not only the slogan of the Sempre brand, but also the feeling we experienced during the presentation of the collection of what is probably the most liked part of men’s clothing. This was underscored by the awarding of the Sempre brand with the Top Moda statuette – a sign of good quality and fashionable design, which was received by Robert Jóźwiak on behalf of the company. Julia Tomaszewska paid tribute to women who, being mothers, wives, lovers… every day show their strength, caring, beauty and youth… She did it originally enough to accept the title and statuette Discovery of the Year. The Creator of the Year was Elzbieta Mazurek with her “Doctor W.” collection.

The awards were presented by Stefan Kostecki, President of the Polish Academy of Fashion, Beata Ruszkowska, President of the PAM Golden Lodge; Lidia Przybylska, Editor-in-Chief of “Moda w Polsce”, Michal Lura and Dominik Górny, Vice Presidents of PAM; Ryszard Bączkowski, Chairman of the Association of Journalists of the Republic of Poland Greater Poland Branch, and members of the PAM Program Council: Janina Dutkiewicz and Bogdan Biegański.

The next 20th anniversary edition of the Polish Fashion Gala is planned for spring 2023.

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