Polityka.se.pl:Agata Duda delighted at the wafer meeting! “It was a year of hard work”.


First Lady Agata Duda appeared at the Christmas meeting of Road Transport Inspection employees at GITD headquarters. It was a moment of summaries, memories of the past year and wishes for the coming year. Many beautiful words were spoken.

A delightful Agata Duda. Style and chic at the Christmas wafer meeting

Agata Duda is eager to support the activities of the Road Transport Inspection. This year, she and her husband President Andrzej Duda assumed Honorary Patronage of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Road Transport Inspection’s inspection activities, and on December 15 the first lady appeared at a Christmas wafer meeting.
It has been a year of hard work. I want to thank you sincerely for inviting me to educational projects, which are very close to me because of my profession, but also because they have a real impact on improving road safety – said Agata Duda, as usual, impressed with her styling: gray pants and blouse, topped with a long light-colored jacket and matching dark shoes made her look modest, yet very elegant.

– The time before Christmas is a special time of the year. Probably the only one when we look for closeness and to spend this time not only with family, but also with friends and acquaintances. Therefore, since I am connected with you through various actions and projects, I am all the more happy that we can wish each other Christmas and New Year’s wishes – she said during the meeting. She also congratulated and thanked you for 20 years of activity. Chief Road Transport Inspector Alvin Gajadhur also spoke – We are honored by your presence at today’s meeting, during this special pre-Christmas period. I would like to thank you, Madam President, for your commitment to the activities of the Inspectorate, related to road safety. For the many joint educational campaigns for children conducted whether in schools or remotely, as well as for children from abroad. We have also recently launched a new series “Road Safety for Everyone” aimed at senior citizens. Thank you very much for your participation in our projects – he said.

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