powdered Agata Duda inflicted the chic next to the Italian first lady. The expert has no doubts: She has rejuvenated

A powdered Agata Duda inflicted the chic next to the Italian first lady. The expert has no doubts: She has rejuvenated

Agata Duda is not slowing down, she is constantly taking part in various meetings and actions. As the wife of the president, she also appears at official ceremonies. When she met with the Italian presidential couple on Monday (17.04), she looked absolutely stunning! According to an expert, she chose a styling that was her one of the best she has appeared in! We have the photos.

The presidential couple from Italy, President Sergio Mattarelli and his wife Laura Mattarelli, have arrived in Poland. As part of the visit, First Lady Agata Duda went with her Italian counterpart to the Royal Baths in Warsaw, and over lunch the two ladies discussed aid initiatives for Ukrainians residing in Poland, Italy and Ukraine. One of the major issues raised during the conversation was the issue of refugee women, the first ladies want Ukrainian women to be self-reliant. The ladies also discussed aid to the people of Ukraine, including medical aid through humanitarian transports or training for health and life-saving specialists, we read on – The First Ladies of Poland and Ukraine initiated a project to exchange experience between Polish and Ukrainian medics. Ninety Ukrainian doctors and specialists have so far been trained in our country on medical evacuation by air and comprehensive medical care of burn patients. Preparations are underway to launch another series of training courses on rehabilitation, combat stress and psychotraumatology, the President’s Office reported on its website.

Agata Duda in powder pink from head to toe! It’s a clever trick for rejuvenation

During the meeting of the First Ladies it was impossible not to notice the styling of Agata Duda. The Polish president opted for an exceptional outfit designed by Dorota Goldpoint, the likes of which we have not seen her in before! Not only did she choose an outfit in the most fashionable colour: powder pink, but she also accessorised it with a handbag and shoes in the same shade. Fashion designer and expert Daniel Jacob Dali gave us his personal view of Agata Duda’s outfit:

“Agata Duda met the first lady of Italy and looked sensational! The powder pink of the jacket and the short skirt ending at the knee line is an absolute novelty in our first lady’s wardrobe. The single-button blazer is the highlight of the season. A handbag in the style always worn by Queen Elisabeth also added a touch of elegance to the First Lady’s look. Definitely this Agata Duda look is one of the best she has appeared in! The colour pink rejuvenated her and was the perfect choice for the spring season. This total look in which Agata Duda appeared is the hit of the season” – judges the expert.

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