For me, mature femininity means living in harmony with myself, on my terms. Confidence that I can handle it in life. Without feeling guilty, with full self-confidence. It is also the ability to forgive yourself, accepting yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. The ability to set limits and choose what’s good for me.
Agata Młynarska
Irena Santor
In 1906, a courier from Warsaw wrote the following message: a horse-drawn carriage with horses trampled a 52-year-old woman in the suburbs of Krakow. It has been a while since then and my intention to participate in this project was to show that since 1906 something has changed. We are creative, full of energy and have something to say. Women who are surrounded by favorable, kind and joyful people are also joyful. Women who are surrounded by toxic people, bad men – they are said to be strong women. I would like not to be a strong woman, and what makes me, adversities are my strength. I would like these adversities to be used for something creative in life.
Joanna Kurowska
Thinking about the magic 50, I think what can give me strength today. Certainly, such strength gives me self-education, awareness, development and, above all, the fact that I create my own reality. I really like the motto that Anna Dymna called her foundation: “after all”, so even though I may be physically weaker sometimes, the awareness that I have to do something about it. Sometimes I am emotionally weaker, I try to influence it and look for external strong stimuli. I still want to think that not what was but what is ahead of me is the best.
Alicja Węgorzewska
The Inner Power project is a tribute to mature women. I would like to be a discreet medium that will be an element of conveying important content. I invited well-known and respected women to the project, who will talk about their struggles in life, raise important topics, as well as tell what is their strength and what they draw their power from. 50 years is an important, breakthrough moment in the life of every woman, I am lucky with people, I have met many important women in my life, to whom I owe a lot and to whom I would like to thank through this project. Maturity is beautiful when understood. My desire is to bring and consolidate in the social consciousness the strength and the enormous inner power that mature women have in them. The symbol of the Inner Power project is a woman – a tree, a tree, in order to have beautiful flowers and fruit, must have good, healthy roots. 50 plus women are just like that. Their strength, power flowing from internal energy allows them to survive even the most difficult situations. The power is within us.
Dorota Goldpoint
Femininity consists of a whole range of various “to be”, but for me it is above all harmony, it is peace and acceptance, first of all self-acceptance and joy. And such a very, very special “gleam in the eye”. If a woman has that “sparkle in her eye” regardless of age, she is always very attractive, sexy, above all happy and you can see that she is alive and enjoying life. This is such an essence for me. And the paradox of this is that a woman usually has the things I said, that comes to her in her 50s. At least in my case it was so, that suddenly all these things came together for me and I felt such an inner power.
Jolanta Fraszyńska
What is mature femininity to me? I think that, first of all, it is learning to accept oneself at a mature age. It is very difficult and a lot of women can’t really handle it. You have to go a long way to accept yourself. When we do that, we get wings, we start to look around us. We start looking for inspiration and looking for strength to do so. First – to feel at peace with yourself, second – to help others, because it is an incredibly important thing. It gives us strength and drives us. I am here to support “The Inner Power”, to show women that maturity, this famous 50 is not a grave, a coffin, the end of life and that we have no place. We have! Today I believe that women over 50 have a new, fantastic place in society and can do a lot of good for themselves, for their families, but also for others around them. They already have experience, they are beautiful, they are attractive, they can sell it and they can do a lot of good. I am healthy, I am happy, I accept myself with all my flaws, I also learned that. It seems to me that this is my strength… and a smile.
Katarzyna Żak
I envy women who have inner power because I don’t think I’m one of them. A wonderful project by Dorotka Goldpoint, who invited me, for which I am very grateful. Thankful to be able to attend, but since she gave me my homework to think about it, that’s a bit worse for me. If I could answer this question, honestly, my power of a Lady over 50, that is, a mature woman, is probably in a more calm understanding of the world around, greater tolerance. I don’t want to speak wisdom, because I’m probably not wise yet. And so I envy the ladies who can talk about it so boldly. I believe they are like that, but I can’t. I wish the ladies, especially those over 50, with all their strength… a lot of strength.
Anna Korcz
A 50-year-old woman is first and foremost a free woman. She does not have to. He doesn’t have to use words like should, should, should. He can make choices. He may or may not want to. She is wise, experienced. It doesn’t have to be liked if you don’t want to like it. He does not have to be favored by anyone, but he can bestow his favors. When I turned 40, I thought this was the best time of my life – between 40 and 50, but that’s not true. After 50 it started to get much, much better, and now I turned 60, although I should not talk about it, because it is a project not +60 but +50 and, for example, I got married. Some things lag behind, and these are the things that once determined us. What is my strength? Probably the ability to recover from falls, because I fell quite often and got into dangerous situations, but I was able to withdraw from them. And I think that is also my biggest advantage.
Katarzyna Grochola
What is mature femininity to me? It seems to me that there is a constant curiosity about the world. It is not peace at all, as some people think it is peace, that it is wisdom, on the contrary. It seems to me that you have to be more and more naive and look for this naiveté, this return to childhood in yourself. It seems to me that older women, if we stop this naivety, then this “value” “, because when we are not naive, we become cynical, and cynicism is old age. What is my strength? Sometimes it seems to me that I am completely powerless, and I think that is my strength. Wisdom is strength, it is reading first of all, it is catching “all the smells of the world” that you have acquired during life, catching the colors, remembering it all, keeping it in yourself, sharing this memory with others. This is the strength.
Grażyna Szapołowska