in Dubai or the US celebrate going out, so they dress elegantly for dinner or meeting a friend. There they don’t wear grayish clothes like in Europe

According to the designer, pandemics, lockdowns and remote work have made us considerably lazy when it comes to fashion. So sweatpants and other loose clothing have taken a longer hold in our closets than expected. As a result, it’s now hard to get “fond of” sensual dresses, tailored pants or elegant shirts again. Dorota Goldpoint notes, however, that Polish women are eager to invest in XXL jackets. They play a major role, for example, in outfits combining elegance with a sporty look.

During the pandemic, quite a few models of tracksuits appeared in our closets, which we like to wear on various occasions. They have become the basis for many casual outfits, which are perfect for shopping, going out on the town, a weekend trip or meeting with friends. Dorota Goldpoint stresses that tracksuits have quickly won over all ladies with a taste for comfortable and unrestricted styling.

– You could say that Polish fashion or European fashion has become somewhat unified. After two years of pandemic, we got so used to comfortable tracksuits that we struggled to start dressing normally for work again, by the way, all the time still most of us work remotely or partially remotely. However, we are observing that slowly, slowly we are starting to get out of those sweatpants and comfortable, comfortable clothes in favor of suits – Dorota Goldpoint tells Newseria Lifestyle agency.

With the fashion of the 80s and 90s, voluminous suits returned to favor. And although long, loose pants and blazers with wide shoulders give the silhouette specific proportions, women even loved them, both in business and casual styling.

– Of the most important trends are, of course, oversize blazers, suits, oversized pieces, a lot of sparkle, flash, sequins, even during the day we boldly wear sequins. All the time knitwear is still scrolling somewhere, in my collection for the current autumn weather I propose velours, which is also a kind of knitwear, but a little more elegant – enumerates the designer.

According to her, European women and men now pay much less attention to fashion. Styles are blurring, many places no longer have a dress code, and it’s becoming less common to match styles to a particular occasion or circumstance.

– Europe has become quite comfortable, comfortable and also mixed, because men often use colors, wear pink shirts, for example, women more often go in black, in gray, so these boundaries are blurred.  I have noticed that fashion in Europe is more universal, more unisex she says.

Dorota Goldpoint also points out that the inhabitants of the United Arab Emirates, on the other hand, still focus on femininity and elegance. Therefore, they adhere to styles that emphasize all their assets, so that regardless of the situation they look impeccable and extremely sensual.

– In the Emirates or the United States, however, femininity still prevails all the time. Women in Dubai still want to celebrate life and going out, so they dress extremely elegantly for dinner, for meeting a friend. There they don’t wear grayish things at all, they want to emphasize their beauty, their charms all the time. And although local women wear abayas, underneath these abayas there is a whole lot of beautiful styling, beautiful creations – she says.

Also while in the U.S., the designer was even surprised that women are so eager to wear outfits that make them not only stand out from the crowd, but also look very alluring.

– Being in Washington recently, I noticed that there all the time women were putting on dresses, glittering creations, beautiful silks, feathers, all that is on the catwalks. On the streets of Europe, we see this on a smaller scale. On the other hand, it’s often the case that the States set the trends, and they, after two years or so, are noticed in Europe as well. And I think to myself that this will come as a postcovid wave, that we, however, will want to look and feel feminine again – adds Dorota Goldpoint.

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